RCCD Annual Report


Chamber Singers Take Their Voices Internationally

Chamber Singers

The Riverside City College Chamber Singers were invited to participate in the 7th Annual Jeju International Choir Festival and Symposium in South Korea along with choirs from the Philippines, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Korea. The Chamber Singers were also asked to be part of the choral conductor's competition as the model choir and the choir's director, John Byun, was asked to serve as a clinician for the festival, presenting a lecture on singing through movement.

From Jeju, the choir moved on to Icheon, where they participated in the inaugural Icheon Choir Festival and Symposium. The Chamber Singers impressed the festival committee, which asked if the group would add an extra concert in a different city so that more people could enjoy their performance. The committee also requested that the Chamber Singers perform at the Myungsung Church, the largest church in Korea. The group performed in front of over 7,000 people during a service. Students also had the opportunity to exchange cultural experiences with choirs from around the world.

Riverside City College Chamber Singers
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