RCCD Annual Report


Nursing Pinning Ceremony Honors Graduates

Nursing Pinning Ceremony Honors Graduates

Riverside City College's School of Nursing Pinning Ceremony in December marked the culmination of hard work for 88 nursing graduates.


The diversity among the graduates was evident, with 80 percent of the students identifying as belonging to a minority or historically marginalized group. The ceremony highlighted a noteworthy gender milestone, too, as 20 percent of the graduates were male, surpassing the national average for males in nursing.


Twenty-eight students successfully completed the requirements of the Concurrent Enrollment Program with California State, San Bernardino. This unique program allows students to fulfill the requirements of both institutions simultaneously, enabling them to earn their bachelor’s degree in nursing two semesters after graduating from RCC. Two graduates stood out for their participation in the California Apprenticeship Initiative between Riverside City College and the California Correctional Health Care Services, showcasing the school's commitment to innovative educational collaborations.


Graduates were also acknowledged for their academic achievements with the class achieving a 100 percent NCLEX pass rate.

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