RCCD Annual Report


District Celebrates Inaugural Cohort of Californians For All,
College Corps Program

College Corp
The Riverside Community College District celebrated students who comprised the inaugural Cohort 1 of the Californians For All, College Corps Program. The College Corps is a state-sponsored service and career development program, bridging the financial aid gaps faced by students and addressing California's most pressing challenges, such as climate action, food insecurity, and K-12 education.


College Corps Fellows collectively completed over 16,000 hours, with 87 percent of the hours dedicated to direct service to local communities. The remaining 13 percent of hours were devoted to their professional development and training.


Several College Corps Fellows had the opportunity to share their transformative experiences during the event. Itzia Gutierrez-Gutierrez from Moreno Valley College highlighted how the program supports first-generation students in navigating college finances, while Silvia Navarro from Norco College shared how the program taught her both the importance of receiving help and giving back to others. Kaya White from Riverside City College set an exemplary standard by completing over 1,000 hours, surpassing the set requirement of 450 hours.


To honor the achievements of the Cohort 1 students, college leadership and cohort directors presented each Fellow with a stole and certificate of completion. In total, 33 students from the three colleges were honored.

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