Joannah Clemente, a student at Riverside City College, was a recipient of a 2024 CCPRO Writing Scholarship. This marks a significant achievement for both Clemente and the College. Out of a pool of applicants, representing 116 California community colleges, Clemente emerged as one of the two winners.
The CCPRO Writing Scholarship, offered by the Community College Public Relations Organization, aims to recognize outstanding community college students who demonstrate excellence in writing and journalism. With a prize of $500, the scholarship encourages students to pursue opportunities for publication and storytelling within their college communities.
Clemente is a member of the RCC Viewpoints newspaper team and a public relations student. Viewpoints, an award-winning publication written by students, has provided Clemente with a platform to engage in issues of local and international importance, honing her skills as a writer and journalist.
To qualify for the CCPRO Writing Scholarship, applicants were required to write a compelling news story and pitch it to their college newspaper or online publication. Alternatively, applicants could submit a press release to their college's public information office if their college lacked a student publication.